Saturday, June 28, 2008

My weekend with Iris

Here are some pictures to share, taken during my weekend with Iris....

Taken at Suntec City.... I don't know why I look old when I take pictures with her.....

Brought her to Swensen's for dinner....Followed by our ice-cream dessert......

Brought her back to mum's place after the Swensen's dinner......

P.S: How cute can my Iris be...... I'm missing her already!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I kept my promise!

Finally, I kept my promise to bring Iris back home this week and Iris is sleeping in my room while I'm blogging. After 1 long month of missing her, I finally get to see her, feel her and hear her. I loved every minute of it although I was feeling lousy today. I'm still grieving over my lost phone and I wasn't feeling well but no matter what, nothing can stop me from reuniting with Iris after such a long wait! We're going to spend quality time together for the next few days. I'll be back with more pictures of us.

In the cab on the way back to my house.... I know my face looks pale and haggard....

Monday, June 16, 2008

I miss Iris so much!

I miss Iris so much. Haven't seen her for about a month already. Iris called me on Mothers' Day and told me she got a flower for me but till now I've yet to see her and the flower. I always have plans to bring her over to my place but always never get to do so. Recently, there's just too much unlucky things happening to me! Ok. I'll promise myself I'll bring her over to my house this weekend.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


2006 Christmas Party with Ronald Mcdonald & Friends

Celebrating her third Birthday and Christmas.....
A trip to the zoo......
And, Iris rode on a pony! What a brave girl!

Rugged look......

Monday, June 2, 2008

Iris was born on......

Baby Iris Kua Wen Wen was born on 20 December 2003.

A newly born Iris still in hospital's pink towel wrap.

Less than a month old Iris.... Sleeping while drinking milk in grandma's arms?

Introduction - Journey to motherhood

I became a single mum to Iris Kua on 20th December 2003, the day she was born. I was 19 years old. Pregnancy was not fun at all and it involves alot of pain. Perhaps, that's why we as mothers share that very special bond with our child which no words can describe.

Do I regret having her? No. Though i get into trouble time to time because of her, I never regret having her. The only worry I have is - Am I capable of being a good mother and to give her the best of life?

I knew that I wasn't really prepared to be a mother. The reason why I had always wanted a child is because I wanted someone who I can call mine and I yearn for that family closeness which I never had in my grown-up years. I often had conflicts with my family members and I was very unhappy. How I wished to get out of my unhappy family!

The chance came when I got pregnant with Iris. I wanted to get married and have a life of my own and out of my unhappy family. Well, things didn't went as well as I thought. I didn't get married because I was too young and my parents wouldn't sign the approval. I was unmarried and pregnant, planning to get married myself once I turned 21. However, life is life, and shit happens unexpectedly. I finally realised I'm not living in a fairytale when Iris was born.

I will not go on with the details but I ended up having to bring up Iris on my own and the worst thing is, I'm still not on good terms with my family. I eventually left home leaving Iris with my family. Iris was only 3 months old at that time. Cruel? No. It was my mum who suggested that I move out because we are always quarrelling with each other and she promised that she would take good care of Iris. I left. No point arguing anymore. I left but I told myself I would bring my Iris back once I have the means to support her.

Now, Iris is 4 years old and will turn 5 this year. She is currently studying in K2. She is still staying with my family but I'm supporting her school fees and I visit her occassionally and will let her sleepover at my place for a few days so that I can spend quality time with her. Whenever I'm with her I feel so happy, though she does make me angry sometimes. And, just looking at her while she is sleeping makes me smile. I can feel the close bond between us when I'm with her.

My purpose of creating this blog is for Iris. She is growing so fast and in a few years time she will be surfing the internet. It's my way of showing her our memories together and hope that she can gain better understanding of me. I believe that understanding is very important for a family to stay together.